Wow, no meat?!

What is the ultimate, sustainable, future-proof festival snack? Lowlands approached us with that question in 2018. Our answer was simple: Karma Kebab. Locally produced, super sustainable kebab with a celeriac-base. Fresh pita around it, unparalleled garlic sauce on top, and you have a bite that will make even the most seasoned carnivore's mouth water. We let rows of hungry festival-goers experience how delicious plant-based kebab can be. It's time to conquer the rest of the Netherlands. Because together, we eat the world a little better.


Your Portion Good Karma

Karma Kebab is super tasty, 100% plant powered kebab. We leave the animals in peace* and stuff our kebabs with local vegetables and grain. You won't taste it by the way; we have already fooled many people like you. Tasty and sustainable snacking. Karma points guaranteed.

* Ok, except for cute puppies.